Handbook for Foreign Guests



  • Check your immigration requirements
  • Translate your educational qualifications
  • Apply for a research or for a student visa
  • Arrange your health insurance
  • Get the Italian Tax Code (codice fiscale) at the Italian Embassy or Consulate


  • For EU citizens. For a period of stay up to three months, European Union (EU) and Swiss citizens are allowed to freely travel and stay in Italy and in other EU countries without any formalities. You only need a valid Identity Document (ID) or passport.

        For a period that exceeds three months,EU citizens have to register at the Register Office (Anagrafe).

  • For Non EU citizens. Non EU citizens need to obtain an Entry Visa, that is an authorization enabling to enter Italy. Documents needed may change depending on the country of residence, the duration and the reasons of stay.

       Depending on the time you will spend in Italy, you can apply for two types of visa:

       1. TYPE C: short stay; valid up to 90 days.

       2. TYPE D: long stay; valid for more than 3 months.

 There are many types of visa: usually foreign researchers coming to the campus need a research visaor a study visa.

In January 2008, Italy transposed the Directive 2005/71/EC, according to which researchers coming from third countries are entitled to enter and stay in a EU member State to carry out their research work for a period of time longer than 3 months.

This new law, fully operational since July 2009, is based on a Hosting Agreement (Convenzione d’accoglienza) signed by the researcher and the Hosting Institution. L’Istituto Europeo di Oncologia (IEO) is acknowledged by the Ministry of University and Research and so is entitled to receive researchers and sign Hosting Agreements.

      The Hosting Agreement lays down the conditions whereby the researcher commits to accomplish the research project and the organization commits to host the researcher for that purpose.

In order to carry out research activities in our Institute, foreign researchers should apply for a Permit of Stay for research reasons. To obtain a Permit of Stay, before your arrival, you have to apply to the Embassy or Consulate of your country of origin for an Entry Visa for research purposes.

The request should be made first by our Institute: which means that once we know your date of arrival, we will send an online request to Prefettura di Milano – Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione. Once the request will be accepted, you can apply for the Entry Visa at the Consulate of your country of residence.

The procedure, in brief, consists in the following steps:

  • We will get in touch with you. First you will have to send us a scanned copy of your passport and of your Master Degree or PhD certificate: all these data are required to fill out a form for Entry Clearance request (Nulla Osta) available on the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ website. Moreover, you will have to inform us about your accommodation in Milan: this is very important information to be inserted in the online request.
  • We will send you the Hosting Agreement, with all details regarding your project research, signed by IEO Managing Director. You should sign it and send it back to us.
  • We will fill in the online request form for your Entry Clearancefor research activity on the Ministry of Internal Affairs' website.
  • Once the Entry Clearance for research activity is ready, Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazionewill contact us to schedule an appointment to get it. Then, we will send you a copy.
  • The application for an Entry scientific Visa is then forwarded directly by the Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazioneoffice to the Italian Embassy or Consulate of your country of residence.
  • In the meantime, you should contact the Italian Embassy or the Consulate of your country of residence to ask an appointment for the issue of you Entry Visa. At the Embassy/Consulate you are usually asked to bring your passport, copy of the Entry Clearance, the Hosting Agreement and an Health Insurance valid for one year. However, depending on the Embassy or Consulate, the documents required may change; so you are strongly advised to ask them which documents are required.

The Health Insurance is one of the most important documents required, first to get the Entry Visa, then to apply for the Permit of Stay. We usually apply through Waitaly. First you have to register with your personal details: Associati – Soggiornante – Motivi di studio (Extra UE)– 12 months (cost 120,00 euros). Then, choose a username and password. The health insurance policy will be sent to the email address you have provided at the registration, in the next 24hours.

  • Once you get the Entry Visa, you can come to Italy.

Once in Italy, you must apply for Residence Permit or Permit to Stay for research reasons (see section “What to do on arrival”).

If you are coming to Italy for a PhD or a course at the University, you should apply for an Entry Visa for study reasons.

First, you have to contact the Embassy to schedule an appointment and to know the list of documents required to obtain the visa. Procedure and documents may change according to the rules of the different countries.

In general, documents required at the Embassy are:

  • Passport;
  • Letter of acceptance prepared by hosting Institution declaring the course you will attend in Italy;
  • Proof of sufficient funding to support your stay in Italy (provided by the hosting institution);
  • Health insurance;
  • Passport-sized photos.

At the Embassy, they will check all your documentation and will tell you when you can go to get your Entry Visa.

Once you have your visa, you can enter Italy.

For more information on visa application, you can visit Farnesina website.

2. QUALIFICATIONS (Titoli di studio)

Before joining our Department, it is compulsory to present your qualifications. Documents must be:

  • Translated by an official translator;
  • Authenticated by the Italian Representative (Embassy or Consulate) in the country where the degree was obtained;
  • Accompanied by a Declaration of value (dichiarazione di valore) of the degree.

3. HEALTH INSURANCE (Assicurazione sanitaria)

For Non EU citizens,  having a Health Insurance is one of the most important documents required to obtain Entry Visa first, and then a Permit of Stay.

We usually refer to Waitaly, which is available also in English (we use the old name: Ina Assitalia). This company provides insurance to foreign students/researchers who come to Italy and need an Entry Visa and a Permit of Stay which is certainly accepted by police headquarters and Embassies.

You should first register on the website and then pay by credit card or bank transfer.

Once in Italy, and as soon as you obtain a Permit of Stay, it is possible to register for the National Health System to have the same benefits as Italian citizens in terms of healthcare coverage.

For EU citizens: it is recommended to get information on this issue before your arrival (asking to the Embassy or the competent office if there are special agreements in place with Italy that guarantee you benefits in terms of healthcare coverage).

If not, before your arrival you can apply for a private insurance Waitaly.

Once in Italy, it is possible to register for the Italian National Health System (see page 9), ensuring the same benefits as Italian citizens.

4. TAX CODE (Codice fiscale)

Tax code identifies a citizen when dealing with public offices. It is a personal tax identification number (a 16 alphanumeric digit code)used in all interactions with government agencies and public administration in Italy. For example it isnecessary to open a bank account, to register for the Italian National Health System, etc.

It is possible to ask for “codice fiscale’” in advance at the Italian Embassy or consulate of your country, in the appropriate office, filling out a proper form.

If you are not able to get the tax code at the Italian Embassy or Consulate of your country of residence, you will have to get it once you arrive in Milan. Itis issued by the local offices of the “Agenzia delle Entrate” and isfree of charge.

The procedure is very simple and it is the same both for EU e Non EU citizens. We will go together to the local offices of the “Agenzia delle Entrate” (the one nearest the Campus is in via Abetone), with:

  • Your passport or ID card and a photocopy;
  • Form filled out and signed;
  • Copy of your Entry Visa (only for Non-EU citizen).



  • Apply for the Permit of Stay (only for Non EU citizens)
  • Register for the National Health System
  • Open a bank account
  • Look for an accommodation
  • Register at the Register Office

Non-EU citizens

5. PERMIT OF STAY FOR RESEARCH (permesso di soggiorno per ricerca scientifica)

A Residence Permit (or Permit of Stay) is required for the formalization of your stay in Italy. The Permit of Stay can be issued only for the purpose stated on your visa. It is mandatory to apply for it within 8 days from your arrival.The duration of the Permit of Stay for research purposes will cover the whole period declared in the Hosting Agreement.

You will be able to start the research activities while waiting for your Permit of Stay.

In brief all the steps to obtain your Permit of Stay:

  1. Once arrived in Milan, you are invited to our office (building 1, third floor). We will schedule an appointment with Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazionewhere we can go together, with the following documents:
  • Passport;
  • Entry Clearance;
  • Copy of Entry Visa;
  • Tax code (if you already have it; otherwise they issue that immediately);
  • Dwelling suitability documents (certificato di idoneità alloggiativa);

Dwelling suitability is a very tough matter! So, in order to submit all documentation properly, it’s necessary to know where you are going to stay here at least for the first few months, because it is important to choose an accommodation offering you a registered rental agreement. Moreover, you must have: a registered plan of your flat (planimetria catastale) provided by your landlord, a form filled in and signed, and a revenue stamp of 16,00 euros.

It may be possible to apply at the local office of Comune di Milano, according to your place of residence. 

  1. Police Headquarter will release form “209” already filled in with your personal details. Once obtained that, it is possible to apply at the Post office – Sportello Amico.

The documents required are:

  • Copy of your passport;
  • Form “209” filled out and signed;
  • A revenue stamp of 16,00 euros;
  • A copy of Hosting Agreement;
  • A copy of the Entry Clearance;
  • A copy of your Health Insurance;
  • A copy of the fellowship letter.

The following fees are required:

  • 70,46 euros, if you're applying for a residence permit valid from three months up to one year; 80,46 euros for a permit valid for no more than two years; 130,46 euros for a permit valid for more than two years;
  • 16,00 euros for the electronic revenue stamp (“marca da bollo”) available at tobacconists (“tabaccheria”).
  • 30,46 euros to be paid at the Post Office when you submit your completed application.

The closest Post Office to IEO Campus is in via Ripamonti 167 (opening hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Sat 08:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.).

  • At the Post Office, you will receive a receipt(“ricevuta”). The receipt will be the most important document you have until you will get you Permit of Stay, as it is a proof that the request was submitted. It includes a user ID and a Password (codice assicurata) for tracking the progress of your application.
  • Post Office will also schedule an appointment (usually after three months) at the Immigration Office (“Ufficio Immigrazione”) - the local Questurain order to be fingerprinted. On this occasion you will have to bring:
  • Your passport;
  • Copy of your Entry Visa;
  • Copy of Nulla Ostaand mod. 209 issued by the Prefettura;
  • Original postal receipts issued by Post Office;
  • 4 passport-sized photographs;
  • Health Insurance valid for one year;
  • Hosting Agreement;
  • IEO fellowship letter/contract.
  • Once you have been fingerprinted, you will be contacted by text message to get your Permit of Stay. Usually that happens after three weeks/one month.

The electronic Permit of Stay is a magnetic card similar to a credit card, which contains a microchip and a machine-readable magnetic stripe in which the cardholder's personal details, photograph and fingerprints are stored in digital format.

The main Immigration Office in Milan (Ufficio Immigrazione) is in via Montebello, 26. The opening hours of the office is: Monday-Friday from 08:00 a.m. to 05:30 p.m.

Depending on your place of residence, it will be scheduled an appointment in different smaller Police Headquarters.

The closest Questurato the campus is in via Chopin 52.

  • It is possible to check whether your residence permit is ready on the website http://questure.poliziadistato.it/stranieri/, by entering the codice assicurata Once the permit is ready, it will be written: “il permesso è pronto per la consegna”. Anyway, you will have to wait for the text message to go and get it.

According to a new Italian rule, starting from March 2012 foreigners who enter Italy have to submit an IntegrationAgreement, signed by the foreigner and the Italian Police Headquarter. The aim of the Agreement is to facilitate the integration of the foreigners arriving in Italy, to be better introduced into the Italian society.

Once signed, the Integration Agreement will already have some credits (crediti). Within the period of validity of the permit, the foreigner has to achieve some objectives, as stated in the Agreement, attending some compulsory courses, such as Italian language and civic culture. Additional credits will be gained in case of registration for the Italian Health National System, or if holding a registered rental contract.

To renew your Permit of Stay for research, it is important to know well in advance if your research project is going to change from the previous one: in this case, we need to ask again a Nulla Ostato Sportello Unico dell’Immigrazione di Milano. Of course, you do not have to apply for a new Entry Visa. In brief, all the required steps are the following:

  • On the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ website, on behalf of the Institute, we will fill out a new request of Nulla Ostafor research purposes, with your personal details and duration of the new project.
  • Then, we will be contacted to fix an appointment to collect the Nulla Osta.
  • On that time, we will receive the yellowkit (mod. 209) already prepared by Sportello Unico,and we can directly apply at the post office for the Permit of Stay’s renewal.

Documents required are:

  • Your passport;
  • Expired Permit of Stay;
  • Copy of the Nulla Osta;
  • Copy of the Hosting Agreement’s renewal;
  • 4 passport-sized photos;
  • Health insurance valid for one year;
  • Fellowship or contract’s renewal.
  1. At the post office, we will receive postal receipts and a letter with details of appointment at the local Questura (which changes depending on your place of residence).
  2. At Questura’s, where you will be fingerprinted, you have to present:
    • Your passport
    • Expired Permit of Stay
    • Copy of the Nulla Osta
    • Copy of the Hosting Agreement’s renewal
    • 4 passport-sized photos
    • Health Insurance valid for one year
    • Fellowship or contract’s renewal.
  3. Once you have been fingerprinted you will be contacted by text message to get your Permit of Stay, usually three weeks/one month later.
  4. It is possible to check whether your Permit of Stay is ready on the website http://questure.poliziadistato.it/stranieri/, by entering the codice assicurata codeOnce the permit is ready, it will be written: “il permesso è pronto per la consegna”. Anyway, you have to wait for the text message to go and get it.

6. PERMIT OF STAY FOR STUDY (permesso di soggiorno per studio)

If you have to apply for a permit of stay for study reasons, the procedure to be followed is much simpler than the previous one:

  1. We will fill out the yellow kit (mod. 209) (available in any post office with the symbol “Sportello Amico”) with your personal details. In that occasion, we will attach:
    • Your passport,
    • Copy of your Entry Visa with stamp and date of your arrival,
    • Copy of the letter of acceptance you have used for the application for your Entry Visa with stamp of the Embassy,
    • Copy of your Health Insurance valid at least for one year.
  2. Then, at the Post Office you will be given a receipt (“ricevuta”). The receipt will be the most important document you have until you will get you permit of stay. It is a proof that the request was submitted: it includes a user ID and a Password (codice assicurata) for tracking the progress of your application.
  3. Post Office will also schedule an appointment (usually after three months) with the Immigration Office (“Ufficio Immigrazione”) - local Questura of your place of residence to be fingerprinted. On this occasion you will have to bring:
    • Your passport;
    • Copy of your Entry Visa;
    • Original postal receipts issued by Post Office;
    • 4 passport-sized photographs;
    • Health insurance valid for one year;
    • IEO fellowship letter/contract.
  4. Once you have been fingerprinted, you will be contacted by text message to get your Permit of Stay, usually three weeks/one month later.
  5. It is possible to check whether your residence permit is ready on the website by entering the codice assicurata code. Once the Permit is ready, it will be written: “il permesso è pronto per la consegna”. Anyway, you have to wait for the text message to get it.

It is possible to renew your permit of stay 60 days before the expiration date.

In brief, the following steps are required:

  1. We will fill out yellow kit (Mod. 209) and submit it to the post office. Documents required are:
  • Mod 209, Mod 1 filled;
  • Copy of permit of stay about to expire;
  • Copy of passport;
  • Copy of your Health Insurance;
  • Copy of renewal of Hosting Agreement
  • Copy of your fellowship.

You will receive a receipt as a proof you have applied for your Permit of Stay renewal. It is very important to keep this receipt always with you.

  1. Along with the receipt, it will be issued a letter with the date of appointment at the Police Headquarter. At the Questura you will have to present:
  • Your passport;
  • Your Permit of Stay about to expire;
  • 4 passport-sized photographs;
  • The convocation letter issued by the post office;
  • Copy of the renewal of the hosting agreement;
  • Copy of health insurance;
  • Copy of your fellowship.
  • Once you have been fingerprinted, you will be contacted by text message to get your Permit of Stay, usually three weeks/one month later.
  • It is possible to check whether your Permit of Stay is ready on the website by entering the codice assicurata code. Once the permit is ready, it will be written: “il permesso è pronto per la consegna”. Anyway, you have to wait for the text message to go and get it.


For EU citizens. If you will be staying in Italy for a period exceeding three months, it is necessary to apply for residenzaat the Register Office (“Anagrafe”) of Milan (“Comune di Milano”).

ÞThe most important thing is to have a rental agreement registered at Revenue Agency of Milan(contratto di affitto registrato all’Agenzia delle Entrate di Milano).

Here below, in brief, the steps for the registration:

  1. First, you have to register on the website (following the path “area Servizi Online – Anagrafe – residenza – residenza stranieri prenota appuntamento online”). You will receive a registration receipt with the details of the appointment; 
  2. At the Register Office, you will have to bring the following documents:  
  • Original passport or identity card and photocopy;
  • The form, properly filled out and signed, with all the data of your flat as reported in the planimetria catastale(please be aware that the rental contract should be registered at Agenzia delle Entrate di Milano);
  • A form called “Dichiarazione di assenso affittuario” filled in and signed by your landlord;
  • Your landlord identity card.
  • To avoid to go to Comune di Milano you can also apply for the residence by sending the whole application by email at the following address: [email protected]. Put in the subject of the email “APR – Iscrizione anagrafica di…(your name and surname)”.
  • If the application has been accepted you should receive a confirmation receipt by email few weeks later.
  • Otherwise, it is possible to check if your registration has been accepted on Comune di Milano website. You can find all information on how to register with the Register Office on Comune di Milano website.

For Non EU citizens.You can apply for residence once you get your Permit of Stay.

The procedure is the same explained in the paragraph above (“For EU citizens”); among all other documents, it’s needed to attach also the Permit of Stay.

Documents required are:

  • Original passport or identity card and photocopy;
  • Original Permit of Stay and a photocopy (it is possible to apply even with the postal receipts but we suggest you to wait until your permit is ready in order to avoid any possible inconveniences or delay);
  • The form, properly filled out and signed, with all the data of your flat as reported in the planimetria catastale(please be aware the contract of the flat should be registered at Agenzia delle Entrate di Milano);
  • A form called “Dichiarazione di assenso affittuario” filled and signed by your landlord;
  • Your landlord identity card.

8. NATIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale)

In Italy the health care system is administrated at National level by Servizio Sanitario Nazionale – SSN. Being registered with the SSN entitles you to the same benefits as Italian citizens. In particular, SSN provides:

  • General practitioner (medico di base);
  • Hospitalization and treatment (including tests, surgery and medication during hospitalization);
  • Basic medical care;
  • Prescriptions for specialist medical care;
  • Laboratory tests, medical aids and devices;
  • Ambulance service.

For visits and medical examinations with specialists a small fee is required(ticket).  

In Italy, Servizio Sanitario Nazionale is largely under the control of regional governments and is administered by local health authorities called Azienda di Sanità Locale/ATS” (Agenzia di Tutela della Salute- Health Protection Agency).  

For EU citizens.To be registered at the SSN it is necessary to prove you have a financial support here in Italy and you pay taxes. Documents required are:

  • Your tax code;
  • Your fellowship letter/contract;
  • Your payslip;
  • Your residence certificate (not compulsory).

For Non EU citizens. You can register for SSN after presenting the Permit of Stay request.

Documents required are:

  • Permit of stay;
  • Passport;
  • Tax code;
  • Your fellowship letter;
  • The receipt of the payment/your payslip.

You will receive at home your Health Card.The Health Card is valid for the duration of your Permit of Stay.

Scelta e Revoca offices we usually refer to are:

  • Via Costantino Baroni 48 (Tuesday – Friday 8.30 – 12.00/13.30 – 15.00);
  • Viale Molise 64 (Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday - Friday 8.30 – 12.00/13.30 – 15.00); Thursday 8.30 to 15.30.

The Health Card is a personal card that contains the tax code on a magnetic strip and a bar code. It is valid all over Italy and enables the holder to get health care in all countries of the European Union.


Taxation in Italy is levied at national, regional and municipal level.

The Italian tax system is managed by the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate).

The “Tax Year” runs from January 1st to  December 31st.

In Italy, taxes are grouped into two main categories:

  • Direct taxes: on the income of individuals (known as IRPEF) and to the income of enterprise or companies. The last one is not directly applicable to researchers;
  • Indirect taxes: on goods, services or imports (IVA, equivalent to VAT) on regional production (IRAP), on real estate (ICI).

All workers are subject to taxation of their income or other benefits. The amount of taxes to be paid depends on the type and duration of the contract.


Since September 2003 in Italy a new law gives fiscal benefits to both foreign and Italian scientists.

This tax reduction is applied to foreigners who prove that they have been actively involved in research or tenure activity at a foreign public/private University or Institute of Research for at least two consecutive years.

According to this Italian rule, foreign researchers can pay income tax corresponding to10% of their income for three consecutive years, starting from the calendar year in which the scientist becomes fiscal resident: you become fiscal resident in Italy if you have an income for at least a period of 183 days within the calendar year. Since Italian tax residence goes on a calendaryearly basis, if you come in Italy in the first part of the year (e.g. in January/February) you will become fiscal resident within the year, hence you will get fiscal benefits for three consecutive years.

If you are considered eligible, you can pay taxes corresponding toonly 10% of your actual income here.

The tax reduction for researchers can be applied for a maximum of three fiscal years.

As a minimum requirement you must:

  • Have a University degree or equivalent;
  • Have been permanently resident abroad when making a decision to move to Italy;
  • Have carried out research activity abroad, at a University or Institute of Research, for at least two consecutive years.

Documents required are:

  • University Degree certificate (translated into Italian);
  • Certificate of residence to prove that your previous residence/staying was permanent and not temporary;
  • An official certification of your research or tenure activity for at least two consecutive years;
  • Register Office enrollment(Iscrizione anagrafica)or residence or domicile certificate.
  • Certificate of residency in Milan.


The easiest way to transfer money and get your salary is to open a bank account in Italy.

Documents required may change according to different banks company.

In any case, the fundamental documents are:

  • Passport or ID card;
  • Tax code;
  • Fellowship or contract (as a proof of financial support);
  • For Non EU citizens, postal receipts as a proof you have applied for the Permit of Stay. Once you get your Permit of Stay, deliver it to the bank as soon as possible.



To look for an accommodation, you can visit some websites collecting the ads of whom offers/looks for a room or a shared flat. Some useful websites are: Immobiliare.it, Casa.it, SoloAffitti, Bacheca.it, Airbnb and Kijiji.

In Milan the average rent for a single room is 400 euros, for a double room 300 euros, usually with a two-month deposit.

It is more expensive if you decide to turn to real estate agencies: usually you have to pay a sum corresponding to a monthly rent to the agency, plus a 3-month rent in advance and 1-month deposit.


In Milan the public transport is managed by ATM (Azienda Trasporti Milanesi available also in English). There are 4 metro lines and about 120 surface lines (buses and trams).

These below are three different types of annual subscriptions:

*monthly subscription costs 35,00 euros (unlimited trips); monthly rechargeable;

*weekly subscription costs 11,30 euros (monday-sunday - unlimited trips); weekly rechargeable;

*annual subscription costs 330,00 euros. Please note that for this sort of subscription there is an IEO discount (10%). If you are interested please pass by DEO Personnel Office, third floor, building 1. 

On top of that, you have to pay the electronic card that costs 10,00 euros and is valid for four years. You can go to any ATM point to get it.

ATM points are:

Cadorna (MM1 red line and MM2 green line)

Duomo (MM1 red line and MM 3 yellow line)

Centrale (MM2 green line - MM3 yellow line)

Garibaldi (MM2 green line)

Romolo (MM2 green line)

For info visit ATM Points.