Arnaud Gerard Michel Ceol
[email protected] | |
Location |
Building 13
Floor Ground Via Adamello 16, Milano |
Member of
Computer scientist specialized in bioinformatics. Experienced in the fields of network biology (interactomics), structural biology, drug-target discovery, and later of genomics and epigenomics (NGS).
I’m part for the IT services of the European Institute of Oncology, a Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Healthcare (IRCCS), where I am managing the bioinformatics platform (HPC and cloud), supporting a community of more than 30 bioinformaticians. coordinating the Bioinformatics Unit (data and pipeline management), supervising the development of the bioinfoinformatics platform for Alleanza Contro Il Cancro, the largest Italian organization for cancer research, and working on the transfer of those resources toward clinical research.
I also provide support and formation to the researchers, in particular to the IEO teachers, PhD and undergraduate students of the European School of Molecular Medicine of which the IEO is part, for the usage of bioinformatics resources and organize formation on the usage of bioinformatics tools and the adoption of best practices for computational research on HPC and cloud resources.