Post-doctoral position Genome Integrity Laboratory (Ref. 2023-07-SS/12)

One post-doctoral position is available in the Laboratory of Genome Integrity at the European Institute of Oncology (Milan, Italy) led by Prof. Stefano Santaguida. We seek highly motivated candidates fascinated by the beauty of chromosome segregation and interested in studying how errors in this process contribute to tumorigenesis.



  • Strong interest in chromosome segregation, cell cycle and cancer biology
  • Technical expertise with molecular biology, cell biology (e.g., immunofluorescence, flow cytometry, time-lapse microscopy) and cell culture techniques
  • Able to work both independently and as part of a laboratory team
  • A recent PhD in molecular, cellular or cancer biology 

The position will be initially for one year with possible extensions. Find more about the work of the Santaguida Lab at

To apply, please send a cover letter describing your research experience and interests, CV and references.


Recent selected publications



Posted on 25th July 2023