PhD Students



Training young scientists is one of the missions of the Department of Experimental Oncology (DEO)


PhD students at DEO are enrolled in the European School of Molecular Medicine (SEMM) co-founded by IEO in 2001. PhD students at DEO enjoy access to cutting-edge facilities and scientific services, opportunities to do and learn any experiment useful for their project, and a supportive and stimulating environment. The DEO is a friendly place, small enough to be personal, but integrated in a larger community of students and postdocs in the area of Milano.

SEMM operates within Institutes of excellence to promote higher education in Biomedicine and together with the University of Milan and Naples has created a PhD program in Systems Medicine. The PhD program is structured in four curricula: Molecular Oncology, Computational Biology, Human Genetics and Medical Humanities.

Today, the SEMM PhD program is one of the most prestigious international PhD program for higher education in biomedicine. The yearly selection is very competitive, and successful candidates are rewarded with wealthy resources.


2024 Call

Applications are now open!



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PhD students applications
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