PhD community

PhD students at IEO benefit from all scientific events organized by the European School of Molecular Medicine (SEMM). In addition, they enjoy the lively international atmosphere of the department and of the IFOM-IEO campus with young passionate scientists who discuss and collaborate openly.

The PhD community on campus, that includes students from SEMM, the Open University and the National University of Ireland based in Galway, promotes many different scientific and social activities including pubscience, soccer games, sport trainings, and beer hours, all of which integrate well with the dynamic cultural life of Milano.

Every year representatives of the PhD community organize a 2 days "PhD networking days" event, an event aimed at providing PhD students with the opportunity to share their research and to network with their fellows.





The 2020 PND edition included 8 talks from PhD students, 3 poster sessions, two inspiring talks from successful alumni and, a workshop aimed to improve scientific transferable skills.

No PND would be complete without fun! This year everybody went out for the pub-quiz game night!

PhD Networking Days 2020

Meet our PhD students

As PhD students, our role is not only to promote a healthy scientific confrontation among ourselves, but also to build a network to freely express ideas and exchanging valuable point of views. PhD Networking Days is a wonderful experience to feel part of a growing community where everyone’s contribution is valorized.

Ludovico Rizzuti - 3rd year SEMM PhD student

PhD Students