Maria Tieri

Maria Tieri

Maria Tieri

Email [email protected]
Telephone +390294375023
Location Building 13
Floor 2nd
Via Adamello 16, Milano

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I graduated in Dietetics in 2010 at the Università degli Studi G.d’Annunzio di Chieti, then I obtained a Master's Degree in Food and Human Nutrition in 2012 at the Università degli Studi di Milano.

I immediately started carrying out nutritional consultations as a qualified Dietitian in private practice and in 2014 I earned a fellowship at the Prevention Department of the ASL of Teramo with the project "Prevention of unhealthy eating behaviour in preschool and school children (3-11 years) to counteract overweight and obesity".

In 2016 I have joined the Smartfood Program, as a nutritionist and research fellow, dealing with nutrition science engaged in clinical research and scientific dissemination activities. I am co-author of both scientific and dissemination publications on the topic of nutrition and health. I also teach training courses in nutrition, speak at scientific conferences and scientific dissemination events on the topics of healthy lifestyles, nutrition and oncology, nutritional prevention of chronic diseases and clinical nutrition.

Most Relevant Publications