Back to list Jul 20, 2021
New Technologies and Strategies to Fight Cancer
We are pleased to announce the 6th Alleanza Contro il Cancro/Alliance Against Cancer (ACC) Annual Meeting, an opportunity for the exchange and debate on translational cancer science excellence in Italy and to meet internationally renowned colleagues.
The first two days of the meeting will include ten sessions:
- Cancer Mechanisms of genesis and progression.
- New Insights in microrganism and cancer.
- COVID 19 and Cancer.
- From population to genetics to cancer.
- ACC projects update (Big data, Oncologia mutazionale, DIGICORE, etc).
- New Insights In Immunotherapy.
- Where we are with CAR-T cells.
- Digital pathology in clinical and research practice.
- Functional and clinical imaging.
- Cancer burden, finance, and health-care systems.
The third day will be dedicated to the Working Groups and Special Projects of ACC (ACC Workshop).
Each session will include:
- speakers
- two selected abstract
- discussion.