Back to list May 06, 2021
“Exploring life dynamics: in and out of equilibrium”, the 4th ENABLE Life Sciences Symposium
On May 12-14 2021 will take place the 4th ENABLE sciences symposium entitled “Exploring life dynamics: in and out of equilibrium”.
This year, the meeting will be held as a virtual event.
ENABLE (European Academy for Biomedical Science), an initiative funded by the European Union in the context of the Horizon 2020 programme, has the goal to promote excellence in biomedical sciences in Europe, supporting young researchers and strengthening their scientific careers.
ENABLE symposia are organized by PhD students and Postdocs, for PhD students and Postdocs.
SEMM (European School of Molecular Medicine) is one of the four research institutes −including Institute for Research in Biomedicine Barcelona, Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research− that, together with the science communication agency Scienceseed, are involved in the organization of the symposia.
SEMM PhD students will support the Scientific Organizing Committee in the organization of this year event.
The ENABLE 2021 symposium will include:
- a science career day, where participants will have the chance to explore different career possibilities, attending workshops and career chats with professionals, as well as the job fair, where they will find publishing, biotech and pharma companies;
- outreach activities, to bring science closer to citizens;
- scientific symposia, including talks of internationally renowned scientists in the fields of Fundamental Biology, Integrative Omics, Translational Medicine, Multidisciplinary Research, as well as short talks and poster sessions where young scientists will have the chance to share and discuss their own research work.
The past editions (Barcelona 2017, Copenhagen 2018, Nijmegen 2019) were a great success; don’t miss the event and join ENABLE 2021!
Registration is free and open until April 26th 2021 through the ENABLE website.
For more information, watch here the ENABLE 2021 event video, visit ENABLE website website, follow ENABLE on Facebook and Twitter.