Back to list May 07, 2021
3rd EPIC- XS Webinar on Clinical Proteomics
On 17 June 2021, the 3rd EPIC- XS Webinar entitled on Clinical Proteomics will take place.
The European Proteomics Infrastructure Consortium providing Access (EPIC-XS) consists of a unified network of experienced access providers and research groups who share a common goal: to facilitate the development and sustainability of proteomics exploration to all life science researchers within the European Union. The initiative is coordinated by the Utrecht University.
The Webinar will include:
- A first series of talks on advances on Proteomics and Epi-proteomics profiling of clinical samples.
- A second session on Clinical Phosphoproteomics and cancer proteomics.
- A final round table on current perspective and challenges in clinical proteomics.
The past 2021 Webinars were a great success; don’t miss the event and join the 3rd EPIC-XS Webinar on Clinical Proteomics!
Registration is free and open until 11 June 2021, click here to sign up.
For more information, visit the EPIC-XS website and follow EPIC-XS on Twitter.
EPIC-XS has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 823839.
June 17th, 2021, 15:40-18:00
On Zoom
15.40 - 15.45 Welcome by Chairperson, Tiziana Bonaldi
15:45-16:45 Advances on Proteomics and Epi-proteomics profiling of clinical samples
First series of talks from the European Institute of Oncology IEO- Milano (Tiziana Bonaldi’s lab)- Milano, CNIO- Madrid (Javier Munoz’ lab), and the Imperial College- London (Luca Magnani’s lab)
Chair: Tiziana Bonaldi European Institute of Oncology (IEO)
15:45-16:00 Histone PTM and variant analysis from low abundance clinical samples - Roberta Noberini (IEO)
16:00-16:15 Revisiting the protein content of extracellular vesicles - Javier Munoz (CNIO)
16:15-16:30 Epigenomics to capture non-genetic adaptive strategies of dormant cells - Luca Magnani (Imperial College)
16:30-16:45 Q&A with the 3 speakers, moderated by Tiziana Bonaldi
16:45-16:50 Coffee break
16:50-18:00 Clinical Phosphoproteomics and new perspectives in cancer proteomics
Second series of talks from Pepscope - Utrecht, University of Copenhagen UCPH - Copenhagen (Jesper Olsen’s lab), and the Baylor College of Medicine BCM Houston, TX (Matthew Ellis’s lab, CPTAC)
Chair: Maarten Altelaar University of Utrecht
16:50-17:05 Direct kinase and pathway activity profling in breast cancer patients - Erik de Graaf (Pepscope, Utrecht)
17:05-17:20 Unraveling the phosphoproteome of patient-derived ovarian cancer stem cells - Giulia Franciosa (UCPH)
17:20-17:40 Proteogenomics of Breast Cancer: Clinical implication - Matthew Ellis (BCM, CPTAC)
17:40-17:55 Q&A with the 3 speakers, moderated by Maarten Altelaar
17.55-18:00 Wrap up and conclusions by Tiziana Bonaldi