Clinical Technoshot: in situ Multiplex RNA-FISH

Mario Romolo Faretta
Clinical Technoshot Coordinator
[email protected] | |
Location |
Building 1
Floor Ground, Imaging Lab Via Adamello 16, Milano |
New Generation Sequencing technologies allowed to move the first steps towards a personalized medicine. However, they suffer an important limitation that resides in the inability to preserve single-cell resolution. The association of a genomic/transcription profile to distinct cell components in different histological locations provides an enormous amount of information. We thus decided to try to identify and quantify RNA molecules in situ starting from recently published methods.
Wang X, Allen WE, Wright MA, Sylwestrak EL, Samusik N, Vesuna S, Evans K, Liu C, Ramakrishnan C, Liu J, Nolan GP, Bava FA and Deisseroth K. Three-dimensional intact-tissue sequencing of single-cell transcriptional states. 2018. Science. 361(6400).
Shah S, Lubeck E, Zhou W and Cai L. seqFISH Accurately Detects Transcripts in Single Cells and Reveals Robust Spatial Organization in the Hippocampus. 2017. Neuron. 94(4):752-758.
Chen KH, Boettiger AN, Moffitt JR, Wang S and Zhuang X. RNA imaging. Spatially resolved, highly multiplexed RNA profiling in single cells. 2015. Science. 348(6233).