The Unit is equipped with:
- Dedicated incubators for bacteria, insect and mammalian protein expression
- 3 AKTA purifier (Cytiva) and 1 NGC (BioRad) FLPC systems for preparative protein purification
- 2 AKTA micro (Cytiva) analytical chromatography equipped with capillary for microvolume fractionation
- GPC-MAX with triple detector array (Malvern Panalytical) SEC-SLS system (Seize-Exclusion Chromatography – Static Light Scattering) for protein and protein complexes molecular weight determination
- MicroCal PEAQ-ITC Calorimeter (Malvern Panalytical) for protein-protein and protein-small molecules interaction studies
- BLItz (ForteBio) BLI system (Bio-Layer Interferometry) for label-free assessment of protein-ligand interactions
- Mosquito crystallization robot (SPT Labtech) for high-throughput protein crystallization
- Crystal Farm 400 (Bruker) imaging system to monitor crystal growth
- Pelco EasyGlow (Ted Pella) for CryoEM and negative staining grids discharge
- Vitrobot Mark IV (ThermoScientific) for CryoEM grids preparation
- High-performance GPU-based workstation for CryoEM data processing and molecular modelling